Sunday, May 17, 2009

What Figure Of Crossing Of Lines Of A

What figure of crossing of lines of a life of its(his) parents was That were Post-war years, men was practically on look up in search engine tens millions less, than Women, and its(his) future mother passionately would like the family, ordered The socialized position, cosiness, own house where it(she) would be The mistress. It(she) has put(applied) many active, purposeful efforts, that To find desirable, and its(her) environment has found , the man is more senior than it(her), good The person, it(she) has married it(him) and has very quickly given birth to the first the The child. Not the Shred, and the first child, and this first-born was very much , Though its(his) father at all was not the alcoholic. Within war and at the front it(he) On a regular basis gave another Stalin " hundred gram ", as Knew about the predisposition to a gastritis. And nevertheless its(his) first-born Was born, I repeat, and subsequently the development, to put it mildly, Did not shine. Why To answer this question, we should address to perfect(absolute) To unique reserves of our health which till now are in Bad, unfortunately, hands of Ministry of Health. Its(his) mother as the lying-in woman was already Elderly, and, figuratively speaking, a gate in the world through which there was a first-born, Were very narrow and not elastic. The head of the first-born at sorts was It is damaged(injured), anything for its(her) preservation it has not been undertaken, and mothers about it(this) Have told nothing after sorts, ever then. And meanwhile The neglect to this question causes to a society a loss so enormous, that On losses of a mental potential it(he) is quite comparable with cumulative Intelligence of all without exception of our scientific research institutes as academic, and Branch. On it(this) as though insignificant aspect of occurrence of the person on Light we lose hardly probable not half of future joint national Reason. Here to you and a particular.. There is a question: can be, considerably It would be more rational to put in the state scales of more money Here, than on creation of scientific research institute and other cogitative institutions, in which Act to work people on obviously truncated opportunities Intellectual feedback In those countries, where value of the given problem By managing medical faculties and professors it is already realized, to the child In all accessible ways help(assist) to leave in the world so that has not been mentioned(touched) Neither its(his) brain, nor other important bodies.


  1. Lymph outflow also to the lymph nodes located at the top department of a vagina of a direct muscle of a stomach, to , to lymph nodes of the party with the same name and to to lymph nodes of an opposite - mammary gland is possible-. The basic function of a mammary gland - synthesis and milk secretion. The structure and function of mammary glands essentially vary at different stages - a cycle, pregnancy, a lactation, age processes. These - changes are defined by function bodies. With 10 - 12-year-old age at girls start to be developed follikulin-stimulirujushy and hormones of a forward share of a hypophysis which cause transformation follicles in mature, sekre-tirujushchie an estrogen.

  2. Yeast Infection : The main source - automobile exhaust and some paints. High concentrations of lead negatively affects children's health. They worsened coordination, problems with mental development. Lead affects the kidneys, nervous system and red blood cells. It may also help to raise blood pressure. Abatement: Do not paint the lead-containing paint the inner surfaces of a house or apartment, keep the paint cans outside the premises, in a well ventilated place and in any case not to burn them.
